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<aki02> Welcome to join our bear party and COSCUP event from Friday to Sunday. See you tomorrow :D)
<singing_li> 活動是 19:00 - 22:00,在這之中下班能到都可以,超過這時間,可能大家就回家準備隔日活動了 (re @aki02: 有點晚才下班QQ
<davy_0xff> 這樣是正常的嗎 跟著最後一頁一起噴出來
<DennyHuang> 那個下一步應該要擋 (re @davy_0xff: )
<davy_0xff> 是說那個通知議程更新要重啟app的通知 會噴到下面
<DennyHuang> 下面? (re @davy_0xff: 是說那個通知議程更新要重啟app的通知 會噴到下面)
<davy_0xff> 大概這個位子 一半在導覽列下面 :
<DennyHuang> 對吼 還有導覽列(? (re @davy_0xff: )
<davy_0xff> 不要欺負我們這種喜歡導覽列的遠古人類啊
<DennyHuang> Cue 個實作者 @coin3x (re @davy_0xff: 是說那個通知議程更新要重啟app的通知 會噴到下面)
<DennyHuang> 這問題 PR 可以發這邊
<koru1130> 那個像貓又像老鼠又像熊有像狗的動物是什麼ㄚ (re @davy_0xff: )
<koru1130> 那個像貓又像老鼠又像熊又像狗的動物是什麼ㄚ (edited) (re @davy_0xff: )
<davy_0xff> 我猜你是問水豚君 (re @koru1130: 那個像貓又像老鼠又像熊又像狗的動物是什麼ㄚ)
<pupuliao> gandi阿....用了兩年,續約價格漲太兇 果斷跳到google了...
<Thelitchi> 應該 TR 比較近? (re @pennyken: 我要送貨進去,等等IB下貨)
<pennyken> 我已經到了 (re @Thelitchi: 應該 TR 比較近?)
<coin3x> (re @DennyHuang: Cue 個實作者 @coin3x)應該要長這樣的 (? :
<DennyHuang> 對 我看到也是長在上面 (re @coin3x: )
<DennyHuang> @davy_0xff 你的真的跑到 filter 按鈕下方喔
<coin3x> 你可以試試看網路關掉開議程頁 看那個沒網路的 snackbar 會在哪
<miku3920> 我是喜歡實體鍵的化石人類 (re @davy_0xff: 不要欺負我們這種喜歡導覽列的遠古人類啊)
<davy_0xff> 我的filter 按鈕還被蓋住 (re @DennyHuang: @davy_0xff 你的真的跑到 filter 按鈕下方喔)
<davy_0xff> 我試試看 (re @coin3x: 你可以試試看網路關掉開議程頁 看那個沒網路的 snackbar 會在哪)
<davy_0xff> 議程資訊已更新 請重新啟動之類的
<davy_0xff> 剛剛開變得正常了而且只有一行
<davy_0xff> Hummm 算了 沒辦法重現的都不是bug
<coin3x> 喔喔好我知道問題在哪了 (re @davy_0xff: 我昨天看到的是
<coin3x> 議程資訊已更新 請重新啟動之類的
<james58899> 那個要先戳過join才會顯示 (re @S_ean: 右下角 discussion group 就是這裡了吧)
<davy_0xff> 有道理欸 而且公告頻裡面的訊息這邊也會再發一次
<chusiang> chusiang-: ping.
<ballfish> 這什麼遊戲 (re @chusiang: chusiang-: ping.)
<davy_0xff> Ping (re @coscup_matter_bot: <chusiang-> chusiang: pong.)
<davy_0xff> 乒乓遊戲 (re @ballfish: 這什麼遊戲)
<chusiang> 只是在確認 irc 有沒有掛成功。:P
<juliachiawenliu> 講者如果找不到社群協調人可以直接來找我,我坐在入口bar旁邊
<juliachiawenliu> 我是julia
<ballfish> 講者如果還沒有領酒券的,可以去 bar 台旁邊的桌子,找 Julia 拿一張(・ω・)ノ (re @juliachiawenliu: 講者如果找不到社群協調人可以直接來找我,我坐在入口bar旁邊)
<PingNote> /me Arch Linux User
<Brendelman> I see you are a man of culture as well (re @PingNote: /me Arch Linux User)
<alznn> Hi @Brendelman Arch Linux user OwO/
<JoeAngel> 最後才看到你XD 來不及聊天 (re @linroex: 那,出發ㄌ)
<Brendelman> Hi @alznn future BSD user (re @alznn: Hi @Brendelman Arch Linux user OwO/)
<PingNote> I translated my slides, it’s 90% english now 😎
<Aeth0r> thank you :') that's pretty cool (re @PingNote: I translated my slides, it’s 90% english now 😎
<Brendelman> thank you ~~~ (re @PingNote: I translated my slides, it’s 90% english now 😎
<alznn> 小平要不要挑戰連議程名字也翻譯一下 XDD
<alznn> 之前有試圖幫你翻一下,發現太困難了還是放著好了ˊwˋb
<linroex> 明天吃午餐阿哈哈 (re @JoeAngel: 最後才看到你XD 來不及聊天)
話說 IRC 的 Title 該改成 2020 共筆請看議程表了 …,不過線上沒半位 OP 就是。:P
<fourdollars> 請問一下今年有準備線上轉播嗎?
<alznn> 沒有喔 (re @fourdollars: 請問一下今年有準備線上轉播嗎?)
<fourdollars> 好的,感謝。 (re @alznn: 沒有喔)
<PingNote> Session Title:
<PingNote> Too many chat groups,
<PingNote> Too many unread messages;
<PingNote> I want to leave groups, but somebody' heart broken 😢
<PingNote> Why not make a Cross Platform Instant Messaging Chat Bot?
<PingNote> Based on C++ REST SDK and Arch Linux (re @alznn: 小平要不要挑戰連議程名字也翻譯一下 XDD)
<fourdollars> 再請問一下有錄影嗎? (edited)
<bobchao> 有! (re @fourdollars: 再請問一下有錄影嗎?)
<PingNote> Yes I know, this title is tooooooooo long 😂 (re @PingNote: Session Title:
<PingNote> Too many chat groups,
<PingNote> Too many unread messages;
<PingNote> I want to leave groups, but somebody' heart broken 😢
<PingNote> Why not make a Cross Platform Instant Messaging Chat Bot?
<PingNote> Based on C++ REST SDK and Arch Linux)
<bobchao> cross your finger 祈禱錄影機不水逆 😆
<fourdollars> 好的,感謝。 (re @bobchao: 有!)
<davy_0xff> How to be every1's best friend (# (re @PingNote: Session Title:
<davy_0xff> Too many chat groups,
<davy_0xff> Too many unread messages;
<davy_0xff> I want to leave groups, but somebody' heart broken 😢
<davy_0xff> How can I do?
<davy_0xff> Why not make a Cross Platform Instant Messaging Chat Bot?
<davy_0xff> Based on C++ REST SDK and Arch Linux)
<PingNote> Just say: I love you, @davy_0xff (re @davy_0xff: How to be every1's best friend (#)
<JoeAngel> 好啊XD 中午揪// (re @linroex: 明天吃午餐阿哈哈)
<JoeAngel> 小平棒棒 (re @PingNote: I translated my slides, it’s 90% english now 😎
<PingNote> (re @JoeAngel: 小平棒棒)
<Brendelman> 對啊! (re @JoeAngel: 小平棒棒)
<PingNote> (re @Brendelman: 對啊!)
<Brendelman> 怎麼了 :o (re @PingNote: )
<PingNote> It’s Mandarin 😆
<PingNote> Do you using the @alznn translator command now? (re @Brendelman: 怎麼了 :o)
<Brendelman> i am using my poor Mandarin knowledge and my pinyin keyboard (sorry my bopomofo skills aren't ready yet ;p)
<alznn> Vincent actually speaks Mandarin very well (re @PingNote: It’s Mandarin 😆
<alznn> Do you using the @alznn translator command now?)
<Brendelman> its !True (re @alznn: Vincent actually speaks Mandarin very well)
<Brendelman> i can survive in a 7-11, but not much more
<Brendelman> its (not) !True (edited) (re @alznn: Vincent actually speaks Mandarin very well)
<Brendelman> its (not)!True (edited) (re @alznn: Vincent actually speaks Mandarin very well)
<alznn> So don't worry speak Chinese to him, he will switch back to English once he finds out he cannot understand what are we talking about
<Brendelman> XD you can't analyze people like that, makes me shy how fast you understand how i work (re @alznn: So don't worry speak Chinese to him, he will switch back to English once he finds out he cannot understand what are we talking about)
<PingNote> Welcome to Taiwan;
<PingNote> Taiwan Number One;
<PingNote> btw, I'm going to bed 😴see you tomorrow all :"] (re @Brendelman: its (not)!True)
<Brendelman> 謝謝, 晚安! (re @PingNote: 😆
<Brendelman> Welcome to Taiwan;
<Brendelman> Taiwan Number One;
<Brendelman> btw, I'm going to bed 😴see you tomorrow all :"])
<PingNote> Welcome to Taiwan;
<PingNote> Taiwan Number One;
<PingNote> btw, I'm going to bed 😴, see you tomorrow all :"] (edited) (re @Brendelman: its (not)!True)